Live microgreens
Jungle live mustard microgreen in pot packaging. Design by José Soveral - Soveral Designer.
Jungle microgreens in pot packaging composite photo with mustard, wasabi and shiso. Design by José Soveral - Soveral Designer.
Live herbs in the pot
with kraft sleeve packaging
Jungle live fresh basil in pot packaging composite  photo
Jungle's rannge of live herbs packaging.
Jungle live fresh thai basil in pot packaging
Jungle live fresh lemon basil in pot packaging composite  photoJungle live fresh basil in pot packaging
Jungle live fresh chives in pot packaging
Jungle live fresh coriander in pot packaging
Jungle live fresh mint in pot packaging
Jungle live fresh parsley in pot packaging
Jungle poster "nouveau Format" cut herbs
Cut herbs packaging
Jungle cut herbs packaging design by Soveral Designer
Jungle counter display for cut herbs packaging design by Soveral Designer
Disclaimer: Jungle's brand identity was conceived by the legendary creative agency Buzzman.
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